Location: Munich, Bayern, Germany

Friday, April 13, 2007


This update is nothing formal, I just wanted to add a few more notes about the meeting. First off, my apologies that we have still not confirmed the costs of the meeting. Alas we are *still* waiting for the costs of the conference dinner and the transport for the field trip. I will post an update here as soon as I have the figures and this will go out with the 3rd circular at the end of May.

Following my call for titles and abstracts we are rapidly filling up our available spaces for presentations. The deadline is the end of May (31st) and I am operating on a first-come, first-served basis. There is still lots of room for posters however, and you are welcome to bring as many of those as you wish. Among quite a few others, you can look forward to hearing from:

- Eric Buffetaut on pterosaur wrists
- Dave Unwin on eggs and reproduction
- Larry Witmer on skull CT scans
- Dave Martill on crushed skulls from the Santana
- Alex Kellner on Thalassodromeus
- Jim Cunningham on Quetzalcoatlus take-offs
- Leon Classens & Pat O'Conner on respiration and ventillation
- and finally Rico Stecher will show off his wonderful new pterosaur from Switzerland.

I am also starting to get some interest in contributions to the Special Volume of Zitteliana. For those who have missed out, or did not realise we will be putting together a special issue of Zitteliana (the museum's journal) as part of the meeting. This will be devoted to pterosaurs alone and edited by myself and Eric Buffetaut. We will operate a full peer-review system and are happy to accept volunteers to act as reviewers.

The intention is to publish this volume in mid-2008. As a result we need to have the manuscripts prepared in time for early 2008 (around March). This means that ideally we would like draft manuscripts to be completed in September or October this year to give time to the reviewers and authors to make changes. We do not yet have a confirmed maximum or minimum size for the volume (in page numbers) so manuscripts will be evaluated and accepted or rejected on their scientific merits, although ultimately we may have to restrict the size of the volume. Hopefully we will have space to publish everything we receive.

If you are considering contributing to the volume please let me know. I have a PDF available of 'Instructions for Authors' for formatting guidelines. We are capable of publishing colour images, although these may require a contribution from the author. All other costs we expect to be covered by a grant from the DFG.

Thank you for your ongoing interest and I look forward to seeing you all in September.


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