
Location: Munich, Bayern, Germany

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Early Confirmations for Munich, 2007

I am delighted to be able to announce that a number of major pterosaur researchers have already announced that they will be attending the 'Flugsaurier' meeting.

Of course, these are subject to possible changes, but all of the following expect to attend in September, 2007:

David M. Unwin (University of Leicester, UK)

Eric Buffetaut (CNRS, France)

David M. Martill (University of Portsmouth, UK)

S. Chris Bennett (Fort Hayes State University, USA)

Eberhard 'Dino' Frey (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)

Silvio Renesto (University of Insubria, Italy)

Gareth J. Dyke (University College Dublin, Ireland)

Darren Naish (University of Portsmouth, UK)

Luis M. Chiappe (Los Angeles Natural History Museum, USA)

Of course we also expect to see Dr Wellnhofer himself. I should add here that Peter does not know about the nature of this meeting. He has been told that a meeting based around pterosaurs will be taking place in his 'home' museum in Munich (he still lives in the city) and he has been invited to attend and has provisionally accepted the invitation. He does not know, (and hopefully will not find out) that the meeting is being arranged in his honour! We hope that we can keep this a secret until next year, but of course that is a long time.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Directions to the Museum:

From the Airport:
Exiting either terminal (1 or 2) follow the signs for the S-bahn (suburban lines). This is a large white ‘S’ in a green square.

The S bahn lines 1 and 8 both run from the airport to the centre of the city (central station: Hauptbahnhof), but in opposite directs. The S1 takes around 55 minutes the S8 around 45 minutes. Both leave the station every and 20 minutes.

Tickets can be bought from counters or ticket machines (generally accepting both Euros and credit cards). A single into the centre is currently 8.80E (zones 1-4). Once you have bought you ticket do not forget to have it stamped or it is not valid!

Get off the train at hauptbahnhof. The station announcements on these lines is in German and English so it should be easy to find.

From the Hauptbahnhof (main train station):
There are two choices from here.

One can switch to the U-bahn (urban lines, effectively a metro service) which is a white U in a blue circle. Take the U2 line (red) heading north (towards station Feldmoching) one stop to Konigsplatz. Trains run about ever 5 minutes. At some times of day and additional service (the U8) runs on the same lies as the U2 and this can also be taken.

Get off the train and take the exit at the front of the train on the left hand side (Brienner Str/ LuisenStr exit). This will bring you into Konigsplatz. On your right will be a large Greek-style gateway with Brienner Strasse running left to right in front of you. Cross Brienner Str and turn left. Almost immediately on your right is the entrance to Richard-Wanger Str. The museum is the building facing down the street as you turn into R-W Str.

On foot:
Follow the exit signs for Bahnhof-platz, Walk north away from thestation up Banh-hof platz. This road will turn into Luisenstrasse bending around to the right (it goes past an enormous modern art structure of a red iron circle). Walk up Luisenstrasse until you hit Brienner Strasse and Konigsplatz, then follow the directions above to the museum (left up Brienner Str. and then right into Richard-Wagner-Strasse).

As a useful hint all U-bahn and S-bahn stops and most bus stops have a large-scale map of the local area so if you are lost these can be of great help.

Accommodation in Munich

There are a great many hotels and hostels in the centre of Munich. A selection of both is listed below along with the address and a web address of their details. All have English speaking staff available and are within 10-15 minutes walk of the museum.

The Hotel Koenigswache is the closest being less than 5 minutes walk away, and the Intercity Hotel is actually built into the Hauptbahnhof and is especially easy to find as a result.

In selecting other hotels, the museum is in the postcode (zipcode) area D-80333, but both 80335 and 80336 are very close by.

If you are happy to share a room to keep costs down, please inform me and I will put you in touch with others with the same intent so that you can plan together. Prices should be fairly reasonable, the meeting will be held outside of the summer season, and more than 10 dayes before the start of Octoberfest in Munich so there are no big events on to push up the prices.

Mark Hotel, Senefelderstr. 12. MUNICH, D-80336

Intercity Hotel, Bayerstrasse 10, Munich 80335, Germany

Hotel Flora, Karlstr. 49, D-80333, Mue�nchen

Hotel Italia, Schillerstr. 19, D-80336 Munich

Koenigswache, Steinheilstraße 7, D-80333, Munich

A&O City Hotel Arnulfstr. 102, D80333 Munich

Einhorn hotel, Paul heyse Strass 10, D80336, Munich.

Meininger City hostel, Landsberger Strasse 20, D-80339, Munich

Wombats City Hostel, Senefelderstrasse 1, D-80336 Munich

Euro Youth hostel, Senefelderstrasse 5, D-80336 Munich

4 you Muenchen, Hirtenstra�e 18, D-80335 Munich

A&O City Hostel Arnulfstr. 102, D80333 Munich (this is not a repeat, there is both a hotel and a hostel in the building!).

Monday, October 23, 2006

Flugsaurier – The Wellnhofer pterosaur meeting, Munich 2007.

We are now taking abstracts for a meeting to be held in Munich’s famous Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie (Bavarian State Palaeontological Collection - BSPG) for September 10th-14th, 2007. The meeting will be focused on the pterosaurs and their world, in order to celebrate the work of Dr Peter Wellnhofer.

The foremost authority on pterosaurs for the last four decades Dr Wellnhofer spent much of his career in Munich as a curator at the BSPG, so it is appropriate that the meeting celebrating his work will be held in this world class collection. His research also encompassed numerous other aspects of vertebrate palaeontology, especially that of Archaeopteryx and other early birds. The BSPG collections in Munich are rightly considered one of the best pterosaur collections in the world and include the ‘Zittel wing’, Anurognathus, and the ‘Munich Pterodactylus’, among other fossil treasures such as the Munich Archaeopteryx and the holotypes of Compsognathus and Triceratops.

Many of the world’s foremost pterosaur researchers have confirmed their attendance and a full proceedings volume based upon this meeting is planned for the journal Zitteliana. This International meeting will consist of 2 days of talks (in English), a day of open discussions and poster sessions, and a field trip to the world famous Jura Museum in Eichstätt.

The Jura museum is home to numerous superb specimens (notably from the Solnhofen limestones) and include the Dark Winged Rhamphorhynchus, Dorygnathus, Germanodactylus and Juravenator and the Eichstätt Archaeopteryx. In addition to these collections, other specimens currently housed in Karlsruhe will be brought to Munich and attendees will also have the opportunity to examine these.

Munich is a very easy city to reach: many international carriers fly directly to the city including transcontinental routes (e.g. from Beijing, Tokyo, and New York) and connections are available from all major European cities. Trains run from the airport directly to the heart of Munich leaving every twenty minutes, and the museum is just 10 minutes walk from the central station.

Short abstracts (of 1 side, single spaced 12 point text) can be submitted to David Hone by e-mail or post (details below) with a closing date of 31st of May, 2007. Abstracts should be clearly marked as “Poster” or “Oral” presentations. Extended abstracts will be welcome in the future and will be compiled in time for the meeting, but for now a short abstract will suffice. The meeting will focus on pterosaurs, but associated topics are welcome for inclusion (e.g. Mesozoic ecology, issues surrounding flight, archosaurian phylogenies) especially in those areas that Dr Wellnhofer has worked on. Please also contact Dr Hone in order to register interest in this meeting and to be included on later e-mail circulars etc. Updates and circulars will appear on this website from time to time.

A special proceedings volume of Zitteliana is planned from the meeting for publication in mid-2008 to be edited by David Hone & Eric Buffetaut. Please indicate on your submitted abstract if you wish to be considered for inclusion in this volume. Authors may be expected to contribute to the costs of publication for colour images etc. We would expect contributors for this volume to have a draft manuscript ready for the new year of 2008. We would request that although the meeting is open to all relevant contributions, the volume will be dedicated to pterosaurs alone and therefore only manuscripts concerned at pterosaurs will be considered for publication.

Further details for the meeting are available from David Hone (details below).

Dr David W.E. Hone
Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie
Richard-Wagner-Straße 10
D-80333 München

d.hone (AT) lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Tel: +49 / (0)89 / 2180 6613
Fax: +49 / (0)89 / 2180 6601